Breeding and Keeping Guidelines

The ICW e. V.’s Breeding and Keeping Guidelines – International Cat World e. V.

The breeding and keeping guidelines will apply to all members of ICW e.V. and are based on the valid German animal protection law as amended taking the area-specific deviations into account.

§1 Condition for Registration Into the Pedigree Book

Each of ICW e.V.’s breeders (male and female) who wishes to acquire pedigrees (family trees) from the stud book place is obliged to apply for a cattery name for his or her cattery.

The breeder will propose one or several names as cattery names and registration of the name with the cattery registration office is made by ICW e.V. ICW e.V. will issue pedigrees only for young animals that were born in the cattery of one of the breeders registered by Cat World e. V. The first name of the young animals will be the chosen cattery name. For EDP-related reasons the name in full (first name + cattery name) including punctuation marks and blanks may not be longer than 32 signs. Breeders are considered to be those who have their own cat mated and/or own a mother cat on the date of birth. In general the relevant pedigree of the cat is recognized as evidence of ownership.


§2 Cast Messages and Pedigrees

Only the members of ICW e. V. will be entitled to apply for cast registrations and pedigrees regarding the young animals born in their cattery.

Only the members of ICW e. V. who give us evidence of ownership as described under § 1 will be entitled to apply for pedigrees for young animals and sign mating certificates.

Based on the regular, complete and true documents of the parents and the cast message the stud book will issue a pedigree certificate with four generations which will be delivered to the breeder after regular payment. The breeder will be liable for correctness of the given information. Submitted pedigree certificates of parents, cats from stud books of other associations which are necessary for the creation of pedigrees for young animals by ICW e.V. will be taken over into the stud book together with the first name and cattery name, stud book no., colour, title, and date of birth, provided that the pedigree certificate complies with genetic testing. If names are taken over the 32-sign rule will apply, and for this reason the association will reserve the right to abbreviate the name, if necessary. The registered animals will be assigned a stud book number of International Cat World e.V. which will be noted on the pedigree.

The breeders will immediately inform about any colour changes in the ICW e. V.’s pedigrees that had been issued earlier. Such changes will be subject to costs. The stud book place will check genetic correctness. Unauthorized changes of the pedigrees will render the document inadmissible; such changes are deemed to be a document fraud and are punishable. For the pedigree of the young animals the breeder can have the note registered „Breeding: YES or Breeding: NO“ in the cast message. Any changes or cancellations of notes in pedigrees will require the consent of as well as a written application by the breeders and are subject to costs. In this case a new pedigree document will have to be issued and invoiced.


§3 Breeding Regulations

All the cats living with a breeder should be free from contagious diseases as well as from vermins, be subject to medical checks by veterinarians, have complete protection given by vaccination against panleucopenia and cat flu, and be kept species-appropriate under hygienic conditions. Breeding animals must be chipped. In addition, animals that have been registered for cat shows must be cared for by veterinarians according to the usual practices of the federal province concerned. If a contagious disease is identified in the breeding stock (in particular, microspory, leucosis, FIP, panleucopenia, cat flu), a veterinarian is to be immediately consulted to take all necessary measures that are necessary to remedy the existing situation and to ensure that other animals or animal owners are not contacted before health has been restored in the stock.

3.2 a
A breeding cat will be at least 10 months old for breeding. A veterinarian will be consulted in case of earlier mating, i.e. before the end of the 10th month of life.

3.2 b
A breeding cat should have no more than three litters within two calendar years, however, the time interval between the litters within this two-year period will be decided at the breeder’s discretion. Breed crossing and mating of pedigree cats with a pure-bred crossing are generally prohibited. Cats/tomcats and matings that show the following deficiencies will be excluded from the breeding program:

– those with a general deficiency excluding a show certificate and/or participation in a show
– with only one testicle
– with olygodactyly
– with clinical HD
– with head aberration
– with chest aberration
– with deformation of bone structure
– with tail aberration not defined in the standards
– with entropion
– with strabismus
– with a tendency towards strabismus
– with nystagmus
– with PRA (slow progress up to blindness)
– with photophobia (light alternative denial)
– with albino eye/s (red translucent retina of the eye)
– with deafness
– with overbite
– with underbite
– with a crooked bite
– with missing and/or invisible tactile hair
– with PKD (polycystic kidney disease)
– with GM (lysosomal storage disorder – enzyme production disorder)
– with deformed animals
– with frequently deformed animals (also with variable tomcats)
– with white spots that are not indicated in the standards

For breeding white cats we recommend that white x coloured parents are mated. White parents as well as young white animals are to be tested for deafness by audiometric testing. Cats are to be permanently marked with a microchip before audiometric testing is completed. The microchip number will be noted in the audiometric test certificate regarding the animal.

We recommend that a DNA analysis is carried out for the cat breed Persian/exotic cat as well as Brits (short-haired and long-haired variants) to exclude a hereditary polycystic disease.

In case of mating with other breeders‘ animals, the breeding cat owner will immediately receive a completed and signed mating certificate from the owner of the mating tomcat as well as a copy of the tomcat pedigree. Consequently, the owners of the mating tomcat certify that the indicated tomcat really is the sire of the litter to be expected. This certificate will be obligatorily submitted to the pedigree office when the pedigree is applied for. A cat may come into contact with another tomcat not earlier than three weeks after mating. This will also apply to temporarily lost breeding cats after their return.


§4 Delivery of Young Animals

Sale of cats to pet shops, pet stores and experimental stations/laboratories is forbidden. But mediation via a veterinary praxis, as well as a pet store (e.g. by means of a notice) is allowed, however, the animal will remain with the breeder before delivery. The breeders should deliver their young animals in a healthy conditions, but not before the 13th week of life and only with the recommended vaccination, 2 against cat flue and 2 against panleukopenia and vermin-free. The second vaccination against panleukopenia will only be sufficient when given in the 12th week of life. This does not apply to vaccination against cat flue.


General Regulations

The creation of pedigrees will be based on the applicable breeding and keeping guidelines of ICW e.V. – International Cat World e.V. Incorrect statements in the application forms for pedigrees can be amended by the pedigree office in the registration documents of the animals and their descendents at all times. The costs involved will be borne by the breeder. In case of ambiguities regarding the colour and breed we recommend that the animal is presented at a cat show to be examined, as experienced judges are available there at all times. Questions regarding breed-specific focuses will be directly submitted to the stud book place of ICW e.V.

These guidelines are only applicable to ICW e.B.

Valid as from 02/03/2024

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