Title Points

International Cat World e. V.

European Titles

The following provisions will apply to cats with pedigree or registration card whose breed and colour has been recognized within the meaning of § 11 b of the animal protection law:

Open Class

All the cats that are at least 10 months old (in some associations 9 months) will start in the open class. You will need 3 CAC (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championat) and/or 3 CAP (Certificat d’Aptitude au Premiorat) to ensure that the cat is entitled to use the title ‚Champion and/or Premior‘.

Champion Class / Premior Class

In the Champion and/or Premior Class the cat will need 3 CACIB (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championat International de Beauté) and/or 3 CACIP (Certificat d’Aptitude au Premiorat International de Beauté) in two countries, alternatively 4 scores in one country.

Consequently the cat will be entitled to use the title ‚International Champion and/or International Premior‘.

International Champion Class / International Premior Class

In the International Champion Class and/or International Premior Class the cat will need 3 CAGCIB (Certificat d’Aptitude au Grand Championat International de Beauté) and/or 3 CAGCIP (Certificat d’Aptitude au Grand Premiorat International de Beauté) in two countries, alternatively 5 scores in one country.

Consequently the cat will be entitled to use the title Big International Champion and/or Big International Premior.

Big International Champion Class / Big International Premior Class

In the Big International Champion Class and/of the Big  International Premior Class the cat will need 3 CACE (Certifcat d’Aptitude au Championat d’Europe) and/or 3 CAPE (Certificat d’Aptitude au Premiorat d’Europe) in two countries, alternatively 7 scores in one country.

Consequently the cat will be entitled to use the title Europe Champion and/or Europe Premior.

Europe Champion Class / Europe Premior Class

In the Europe Champion Class and/or Europe Premior Class the cat will need 3 GCACE ( Certificat d’Aptitude au Grand Championat d’Europe ) and/or 3 GCAPE (Certficat d’Aptidute au Grand Premiorat d’Europe) in two countries, alternatively 7 scores in one country.

Consequently the cat will be entitled to use the title Big Europe Champion and/or Big Europe Premior.

Big Europe Champion Class / Big Europe Premior Class

In the Big Europe Champion Class and/or the Big Europe Premior Class the cat will need 3 CACM ( Certificat d’Aptidute au Championat du Monde) and/or 3 CAPM (Certificat d’Aptidute au Premiorat du Monde). 1 CACM / CAPM score must be achieved at a World Show,
1 CACM / CAPM score must be achieve abroad,
1 CACM / CAPM score can be achieved at home, alternatively 10 scores in a country.

Consequently the cat will be entitled to use the title World Champion and/or World Premior.

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